feel the breeze pick the seashells

in white and black

Saturday, March 26, 2005

H2O= water. bang explosion!

the alien invasion game is addictive. i absolutely love it =D whee

try it: http://www.needcomms.com/alieninvasion

my very torn and tattered organiser

its weird

its as if my life depended on it

every single piece of task, assignment, project is written on my organiser. i spend most of my time completing the work and then gratefully cancelling the piece of work off my organiser.

note: i do not just put a tick beside the completed piece of work, i cancel it off, i cross it off, it gives me a greater sense of achievement. sometimes, i even use a red pen to do so. cancelling homework is like getting a huge load off my heart.

some pieces of work have a long name but are relatively easy to complete, they take up alot of space in my organiser and when i cross it off, somehow i feel more happy than i should be.

others are evil. short but time consuming, difficult and will kill off lots of brain cells. its extremely frustrating to spend 5 hours completing a piece of homework and yet only crossing off just 2 words. to make up for that frustration, i normally give the homework a long name.


my organiser will seem very full

and i am frustrated again

its a vicious cycle

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

40.4 degree celsius

that's my temperature )=

Sunday, March 13, 2005

guinea pigs

just my thoughts

some teachers have mentioned things like if something works, they would try it on our juniors. i dont like the idea of having juniors. not that i dont like the physical them. but i just dont like the change when they come in next year. (i know it is rather early to think of that) somehow i feel that more emphasis would be put on our juniors.

during assembly, mrs chan would sometimes announce major changes in the education system for the JC1s, all of which is due to the JC2s' feedback. there would often be a huge roar of displeasure from the JC2s. perhaps this reflects what might happen to us?

improvement for next year's batch is necessary.. we just have to be proud that we improved the next IP batch's journey. =D

Saturday, March 12, 2005

05v11 do yr homework

we folded a total of 881 cranes. pro right?

language arts
assignment 3
25 stories assignment

inequalities assignment 2
inequalities assignment 3
learn maths test

social studies
case study on singapore
"place" assignment

collect food labels

project periballon
make 5 MCQ
read pg 80-82 of tx bk

learn test

yue bao lian xi
zuo ye
zuo ye zhao ju corrections

assignment on identity poems
essay writing ws

lit review

try to have fun


its finally holidays!!

i think i totally flopped my ss test. i just read through the notes the day before. hopefully i can pass.. if so i wouldnt be so last minute again. haha

the wheel of reasoning part was really difficult and it was worth a total of 7 marks. omg
we only did 2 exercises on that, and we didnt even get it back, so we dont know what is wrong and what is correct. argh

anyways, its the holidays now, im going to forget all about it =D escapism!

Monday, March 07, 2005


omg! aliens invaded my tagboard

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

this title is redundant

i am soo deprieved of sleep, found dark rings below my eyes today )=

on a happier note, i had a haircut. whee

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

my poem

Particulate Nature

We slide, roll, pass each other in our own
We are not anti-social.
We fit into any community we are
thrust into.
Behold the v a s t n e s s of our hearts.
We are not sweet.

personally, i think its crappy. but it represents something!! guess and tag (=