feel the breeze pick the seashells

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

it was a bright and happy morning because mummy fetched me to school. so, i went straight to the staffroom so i could pass something to a teacher. called his extention number: ring ring. female voice says "hello". me:"hi, could i speak to mr x please?" and right after i finished, i heard the phone slam. huh, did she just slam the phone on me? being an optimistic person, i thought that perhaps she accidentally hung me off before replying to my question.
so, i called again. ring ring. female voice: "hello", me: "hi, may i speak to mr x please?" and she slammed the phone on me AGAIN, with a little more vengeance this time. through the glass doors, i could see a female figure slamming a phone and going back to her seat in a huff and a puff. Goodness! no wonder we are rated so badly for courtesy, even teachers are capable of such bad behaviour. i could see the sign showing the name of the teacher through the door but being a nice person, i shall not type it out here. she spoiled my happy morning well and truely.


so say we all.
come on, he is just a harmless man expressing his frustration through the use of witty language and hoping to bring at least a smile to people's faces. the response was reeaally irritating.


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